Tuesday, October 28, 2008

金雞 - 服務態度篇

最近 ,看到了某些废柴。。令我想起了金鸡。。。 睇过金鸡geh朋友都会记得吳君如geh偶像是華仔! :-)

劉德華 - 優質服務 致勝之道
劉德華 - 優質服務 致勝之道( 之二 )

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


我的梦起跑了,我开始了摄影师的生涯。上个星期,我的师傅威少叫我回家做点功课来给他看看。功课?什么功课?我没读书很久了啊!觉得怪怪的就问他什么功课。她叫我回家拍点花花草草来给他看看。我那天累到有点呆呆的,但我觉得他的意思就是,要教我拍照了!!我很开心,等到了星期天就高高兴兴的拿着公司的s2去到wangsa maju 的alpha拍夜景。拍得不多,但还蛮满意的。这可是我第一次真正的用dslr来拍我想要拍的东西,希望以后可以有更多的照片可以在这里分享。

Sunday, October 5, 2008


刚刚听完新香蕉俱樂部 , 现认识这位新人"亞洲神童" 張如城。。。 说实话,本人非常欣赏有"heart"的人。。 張如城,评自己的努力在加上兴趣成为今日的亞洲神童。。好过很多没 兴趣同没目标geh咸鱼!

and.. 像張如城这样有责任感的创作歌手真的是,少之又少!

sorry for the poor chinese + cantonese mix.. i am not use to type chinese characters in computer..
what i would like to say in this last phrase is.. i am proub of him, he is writing and singing songs for his country! famous artists out there should do something for their community or country...

more vids
those who interested in the inteview , should check out here for 5th oct..

Friday, October 3, 2008

Face Off

The very latest of our works, its a bit different in that the director tried to squeeze the time of the film to within 3 minutes (if you haven't noticed, most of the films made here are about 10 mins,haha, but if u did notice then cookies for you) as he wanted to use it to enter in a small local competition, but alas, it was not to be...Anyway, this short film explores the relationship between 2 people and how things can go awfully wrong (ie. break up and stuff) in a relationship when one of the other half 'appears' to not care about the relationship but is there a reason for him to act in such a way? Please watch it to find out!

A very wise man/Yoda once said, "To Tango...it takes 2". So true almighty Yoda...so true.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

journey i go...

recently, theres not much surprise for us watching movies.. most of us will knows alot about the movie ,before even watching it.. by those trailers.. newspaper.. and even read those synopsis in wiki.. some may not read.. but u could hv alredy known wats its about.. we may be influenced by the words or even comments by friends..
i am starting to feel bored with it, i want surprises! .. start from now. .. i will try ask less and read less or hopefully ask nothing before watching a movie..

jz watch tokyo godfathers.. and it nice.. it makes me wanting to compile some moviess that i like.. i like watching movies about jorney or life.. mayb its because that i could related with it.. or see others' life.. compare to my simple dullish life..(p.s- not those dramatic hk/tw drama life!).. some movs with diff culture.. some movs about going,wandering,travelling to different places.. some movs with nice setting..

here's the list (sorry for telling..)tokyo godfathers -aromantic love story in tokyo
the darjeeling limited -europe treasurers!!!
little miss sunshine -miami shinny beach!
happy togather -another jail mate film from hk.
my name is fame -funny non stop, wong ching film..
in brudges - stunning live action!

dont wiki! jz dl!

postal 的观后感

最近看了一部旧片子,postal。这部片子还蛮不错的,导演Owe Boll把这部片子恶搞到有点像真实版的south park,就这是这样你就知道这部片子有多可怕了吧。男主角一开始只是一个无业游民,老婆结婚后就痴肥,还不断的跟镇上的男人乱搞,应征不成,被一名壮汉乞丐威胁,被福利局的人瞧不起。。。。等等等等。但中段开始就开始转变,由一部小品电影变成好莱坞典型的武打抢战电影(当然是超级搞笑版的)。片中也不时(应该是很常)的玩弄宗教议题,也聊到osama跟bush其实是大老友,片尾还有一段bush的电台广播超搞笑的。导演也不忘恶搞了自己一下下,最后还是重要部位中抢而死的,哈哈。但如果接受度不高的你就可能不明白他们到底在干嘛了。这部片子的水准可能不高,但诚意十足,个人觉得还蛮值得一看的。