Been sometime since the last update, but don't worry, the staff arent dead...we're just doing what we've been doing all this while, which is KeepMoving! Recently the gang mobilized to film another short film, the idea and concept behind this project was formulated during the beginning of the year, though due to various things (basically life, we do have a life u noe!) it was pushed to the back of the burner...but as holidays started rolling around, the project was resurrected.
Anyways, the basic concept is about music and how it affects a person...haha, more info will be available soon. For now, enjoy the pics of day 1 of filming...
我的梦起跑了,我开始了摄影师的生涯。上个星期,我的师傅威少叫我回家做点功课来给他看看。功课?什么功课?我没读书很久了啊!觉得怪怪的就问他什么功课。她叫我回家拍点花花草草来给他看看。我那天累到有点呆呆的,但我觉得他的意思就是,要教我拍照了!!我很开心,等到了星期天就高高兴兴的拿着公司的s2去到wangsa maju 的alpha拍夜景。拍得不多,但还蛮满意的。这可是我第一次真正的用dslr来拍我想要拍的东西,希望以后可以有更多的照片可以在这里分享。
sorry for the poor chinese + cantonese mix.. i am not use to type chinese characters in computer.. what i would like to say in this last phrase is.. i am proub of him, he is writing and singing songs for his country! famous artists out there should do something for their community or country... more vids those who interested in the inteview , should check out here for 5th oct..
The very latest of our works, its a bit different in that the director tried to squeeze the time of the film to within 3 minutes (if you haven't noticed, most of the films made here are about 10 mins,haha, but if u did notice then cookies for you) as he wanted to use it to enter in a small local competition, but alas, it was not to be...Anyway, this short film explores the relationship between 2 people and how things can go awfully wrong (ie. break up and stuff) in a relationship when one of the other half 'appears' to not care about the relationship but is there a reason for him to act in such a way? Please watch it to find out!
A very wise man/Yoda once said, "To takes 2".So true almighty true.
recently, theres not much surprise for us watching movies.. most of us will knows alot about the movie ,before even watching it.. by those trailers.. newspaper.. and even read those synopsis in wiki.. some may not read.. but u could hv alredy known wats its about.. we may be influenced by the words or even comments by friends.. i am starting to feel bored with it, i want surprises! .. start from now. .. i will try ask less and read less or hopefully ask nothing before watching a movie..
jz watch tokyo godfathers.. and it nice.. it makes me wanting to compile some moviess that i like.. i like watching movies about jorney or life.. mayb its because that i could related with it.. or see others' life.. compare to my simple dullish life..(p.s- not those dramatic hk/tw drama life!).. some movs with diff culture.. some movs about going,wandering,travelling to different places.. some movs with nice setting..
here's the list (sorry for telling..)tokyo godfathers-aromantic love story in tokyo the darjeeling limited-europe treasurers!!! little miss sunshine-miami shinny beach! happy togather-another jail mate film from hk. my name is fame-funny non stop, wong ching film.. in brudges- stunning live action!
Hashshasin was the secret codename for the 3rd project. Until now its been called various names as the director just cant make up his mind! Well, anyway this short film's basic premise is that its sort of a documentary of a bunch of "people", these people have an important job in society just as everyone else. But, their jobs don't lend them much credit, so the director( who's also the screen writer and editor) decided it was time to shed some light on their occupation and give them the credit they deserve. Along the way, we examine their jobs and what they think about it...neways, check it out!
Notes on production: most of it was filmed within a day, and editing was done during the subsequent weeks. The crews proficiency has definitely improved as this writer remembers it took about a month to finish filming project gray, haha.
2nd movie to be made. It did come with some technical improvements over the 1st movie "grey", but overall it still showed a lack of experience on the directors part ...anyway, what the film wanted to convey was that the main dude was sort of like in a state of limbo, he loved his friends, his current lifestyle etc, but a part of him wanted to move on to greater when he finally got the letter, he was torn...the ending was kinda abrupt, but i think people generally would know what path he chose in the end...
PS: oh and one more thing, the previous video "grey" had an employee(im gonna say that instead of actor or actress to make things harder...muahaha) which has gone on to do more professional modeling work,im not gonna say who but cookies for those that are able to guess who it is...hoho
Codename Grey is hittin the intarwebs, and you can watch it here at KP5! Rejoice world! hohoho, anyways Grey was one of the first short films created by us, way back in 2005. As we were young and inexperienced then (maybe now still the same..hoho) it was expectedly...not so good. But, what we had learned from those 1st steps was totally invaluable! Not only did it taught us the basic skills, it also showed the director/writer/editor/producer's frame of mind at the time, which was kinda naive so to speak,haha...but as cheesy as it was, it really brings back memories of times when life were easier and simpler, standing as a testament to those times, and telling us that "we" did not wasted our youth but used it wisely as a stepping stone for things to come, or things that we hope will come...hohoho...youth, the wonder of life! Part 1